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Forfatterarkiv: Alex Ringgaard
Referat af generalforsamling 2011
Referat fra generalforsamlingen d. 08-03-2011
Dirigent: Rasmus Hviid, referent Tobias
3: Formandens beretning.
Der er ikke sket så meget det forgangne år end de normale spille dage.
Rasmus har, grundet private årsager, valgt at trække sig, som formand.
4: Godkendelse af årsregnskab.
Revisor (Poul Oddershede) er ikke til stede og beretningen overlades til Kassereren (Alex Ringgaard).
Klubbens økonomi løber rundt med et mindre overskud, som hovedsageligt
genereres af køleskabet.
Der er i skrivende stund 53 betalende medlemmer.
Budgettet for næste år forventes, at løbe rundt med nogle tusinde i
overskud. Muligvis mindre grundet stigende el og husleje.
5: Valg af bestyrelse.
Kasser: Alex Ringgaard
Formand: Thomas Bostrup
Menig best: Bo Siemsen og Michael Hastrup-Leth
Suppleant: Søren Busch-Knudsen
6: Valg af revisor:
Brian Lind Andersen
7: Fastsættelse af kontingent.
Alex mener ikke at der er grund til en stigning og nuværende kontingent
8: Eventuelt.
Det tilbagevendende issue med et nyt gulvtæppe bringes på bane. Dette
skal holdes op mod andre ønsker/nødvendigheder, som f. eks en ny støvsuger
eller løse problemet med endevæggen og fugt.
Dette vil bestyrelsen håndtere.
Der er et ønske om, at begrænse mad indtagelse i KBK, da det
efterhånden er ved at tage overhånd med salatmajonæse og friture.
Brætspillene i KBK er privatejet og det er ærgerligt med kort fedtet
ind i olie og andre organiske stoffer.
Det er op til alle at afleverer pant på dåser. Det udgør faktisk en pæn
del af klubbens budget.
Derfor opfordres alle til at tage sækken med pant når den er fuld.
Rod! Der er efterhånden meget rodet i KBK. Bestyrelsen vil tage hånd om
dette. (Koordinere).
Flere hylder. Spillene fylder efterhånden godt op og man kunne måske
overveje at sætte nye op. Alle opfordres til, at se, hvad man har af brugbare
og funktionelle løsninger hjemme.
Bestyrelsen skal godkende eventuelle tiltag.
Jule banko sponseret af boardgamer.dk
Vi er jo en brætspils klub og hvad er mere jul’et end et spil banko? KBK har derfor arrangeret banko spil næste tirsdag i forbindelse med den generelle julehygge og festivitas.
www.boardgamer.dk har generøst tilbudt at sponsorer de 3 premier som et hvert godt bankospil jo kræver til 1 række, 2 rækker og den eftertragtede hele pladen fuld.
Så kom og hver med, plader kan købes for den symbolske sum af 10,- som går direkte til klubben.
Jule hygge i KBK
Tradition tro holder vi jule hygge i KBK næste tirsdag (14/12) hvor klubben byder på en varm omgang gløg og div. andre konsumerbare julegodte til at supplementere brætspilleriet, og skulle nogle føle en pludselig trang til at bryde ud i julesang er jeg sikker på at rygerne vil være glade for lidt selskab ude i gården 🙂
Scott Nicholson is visiting KBK
Scott Nicholson is visiting Copenhagen at the end of May and our very own Thomas Bostrup has arranged with him to come and game with us on Sunday 30th May at 18:00.
As one of the most well-known and respected reviewers in the community Scott has become a staple of gaming review, and his show “Board Games with Scott” has been the standard against which other shows are measured for over half a decade.
The club will as usual be open for members and non-members alike. So come join us and maybe catch a game with one of the luminaries of the board gaming world 🙂
KBK open by request
Due to the reduced needs for officially opening the club on Mondays, we will no longer automatically be open on Mondays. However if anybody wishes to arrange a extra play day (which doesn’t have to be a Monday), then don’t hesitate to write me and I’ll be happy to open up the club and announce it on the homepage. It goes without saying that the regular, and well attended Tuesdays continue unchanged.
Ameritrash Monday
For some time now we have been experimenting with officially opening the club every second Thursday and we are now ready to expand on this offer. After this Thursday (20/11) we will, instead of being open every second Thursday, be open every Monday 18:00. There have been widespread requests to extend the extra opening to every week instead of every second, so that people don’t have to remember whether or not the club is open. The move to Monday lets us "merge" with the group of so called Ameritrashers (some of whom aren’t as "trashy"as they like to think 🙂 ) to achieve greater turnout.
Two things to notice:
1. Don’t be scared by the name "Ameritrash Monday", the name is more historical than indicative of what games are played.
2. This has absolutely no influence on Tuesdays, which continue as always.
Ny lås i døren
Låsen i døren til klublokalet er blevet opgraderet, og bestyrelsen har besluttet at hæve depositumet for et sæt nøgler fra 50,- til 200,- for at øge incitamentet til at aflevere nøglerne nå folk melder sig ud. Gamle nøgler kan indløses de næste 2 måneder, hvorefter depositumet frafalder medmindre andet er aftalt. En ny nøgle kan erhverves ved henvendelse til kasseren.
Har du brug for at komme ind i klubben før tirsdag, så kontakt kasseren.
Humanity dies out on a Thursday evening
9 people decided to grace KBK on a Thursday evening and 6 of us, myself included, jumped into an aging Battlestar while the 3 others set sail for the coast of Goa.
On board the Battlestar I play the role of good old Gaius (what can I say, I like the egocentric, self preserving old bugger) and the first half of our escape just flies away (pun intended). It seems clear, or at least likely, that no cylons are actively hindering our progress and we fight off the initial crisis and minor skirmishes with little trouble. The sleeper phase comes and Boomer is placed in the brig, which is probably just as good since she’s likely to be a toaster (which in fact she was). We are close to (what we believe will be) the second to last jump. Certainly we’ll cruise to a quick and sure victory, not exactly… The remaining cylon manages through some quite shrewd manipulation to land 2 of the humans in the brig all the while draining our supply of skills. Despite a flurry of quorum card, brigging and releasing people, the population is suddenly skydiving and humanity perishes without so much as a footnote in history, countless light years from Earth.
NB! NEW Thursday opening hours: once every second Thursday, starting April 9th
KBK has now held its doors open each Thursday for a month, to gauge the potential for permanently extending the official playing days. While the general consensus is that it’s a good initiative, there has been concern whether there were sufficient people to ensure a reasonable turnout each time. To alleviate this, while still holding the doors to the club open more often, we have changed the schedule so that we now are open every other Thursday (ie all uneven weeks).
If the turnout eventually justifies it, we’ll be happy to extend the offer to include everyl Thursday again.
NB Due to personal commitments from dreaded “real life”, neither Peter nor I can turn up next Thursday, so the first official Thursday will be April 9th.